Some news

Newsletter of 31 July 2023
20 August 2023 by
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Dear friends,

I hope you're having a great summer, full of relaxation and adventure!

It's been a while since I've given you any news, so here's some! The last few weeks have been very busy for the whole team in terms of production and renewal. Let me tell you what's been going on.

In mid-June, we and our companions went to the Pathwork International Hybrid Conference in Ottawa, and what an incredible moment it was! What a joy to meet all these people from the four corners of the world who share a passion for knowing that they are more than just a human being on earth, and who are committed to transforming what needs to be transformed in order to release their authentic divine Self. The powerful bonds that already existed between all these people were further strengthened, in joy and exuberance.

Jean Michel Lambot gave a very successful talk there and I had the chance to channel the Guide for the community, which was a very special moment for me.

I was apprehensive about the message that was going to be given, but also about how it was going to be received. Many of you have probably already experienced this, but the messages of the Guide can be very unsettling because they shed light on the erroneous attitudes we adopt that are not in line with universal laws. I know that the term "law" may seem dogmatising, but in reality it simply refers to the right inner attitudes that bring us the greatest happiness and lead to Love: the ultimate goal of our earthly experiences.

This apprehension about this channeling is yet another sign that external validation and recognition remain a point of work for me, since I'm totally convinced of the accuracy of my channel (which we all have, by the way) and even more honoured to be able to broadcast these messages internationally. So yes, I think the message was a bit of a shock, but it created so much magic!

The sense of community, love and fraternity that pervaded this intense week of work, but above all pleasure, made me realise even more that everything is in its right place and that trusting each other is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

Emilien gave his legendary percussion class, after which I had the chance to host the dance party with my playlists that you know from the stages and what a night!

The President of the Pathwork Foundation has asked me to host the next world conference in 2025... in Belgium!  To be continued!

The trip ended with a trip to the Gaspé Peninsula to combine pleasure and self-exploration, as is customary with Third Pole activities. We enjoyed the blessings, even through the little glitches we encountered, and we were able to experience a little more of the joy and love that lie behind every moment, when we are curious to discover the meaning of everything that happens to us.

The return journey brought its share of material challenges, and what's more, the July course wasn't filling up. So I cut it short and, surprise surprise, these external circumstances enabled me to align myself a little more with myself, my new stage and that of the Third Pole.

In the end, we didn't use the holotropic breathing technique that has been the mainstay of our courses for 20 years, and the results were quite simply spectacular. Rather than going on an inner journey - which certainly brings enormous benefits, but sometimes in a rather abstract way - we worked on very precise points in each person's childhood, dealt with all the emotions in the foreground linked to these circumstances, including their meaning and our defence mechanisms that resulted from the suffering we felt, and then moved on to the potential of what can exist now that everything has been unpacked.

It was incredibly powerful and clear, and the results are so tangible that I'm getting more and more excited about this new format for course work. I'll be back to tell you more about it in due course, but don't hesitate to let me know what this idea evokes in you.

In a few days' time, I'll be setting off for Egypt on a Red Sea cruise with Oasis l'éveil aux mondes, where I'll be doing some self-help work and swimming with free dolphins twice a day. This will be the first time I've travelled as part of my work without managing the organisation from A to Z, and it's a very symbolic gesture for my major image, which is: I have to carry everything.

Well, I can assure you that the greatest happiness is to be found in changing one's mind first and then seeing all one's aspirations come true. What's more, the cruise is sold out! I'm looking forward to going with some of you, but also to discovering new people thanks to this opportunity to broaden our respective horizons a little more. First of all, within ourselves, so that we can dare to embody all our potential in the outside world.

Thank you for reading and I hope that this personal news will resonate with you in some way.

I send you my love,


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