​Marianne Hubert

Between the ages of three and eighteen, Marianne had seven near-death experiences that opened her to another reality, that of our life beyond the material. Inhabited by the desire to return to the state of existence of love, happiness and unlimited consciousness that she experienced on the other side of the veil, she embarked on a frantic search in spirituality and psychology. Frustrated at not finding the same state of bliss, she threw away her spiritual quest and settled for a merely material life. It was then, thanks to the concrete observation of her frustrations, confusions and other daily negative emotions that she made her subconscious conscious and progressively released her own divine source and that wonderful state of being that had always been there underneath. Since 2002, she has been guiding other seekers with love, humour and strength in the encounter with the Self.

​She channels a spiritual entity, the Guide. She is responsible for Pathwork in Belgium and author of several books: the oracle game "the divine in everyday life", "welcoming our imperfection" and several online trainings "healing the inner child", "our relationships as an opportunity for evolution", "the couple: meeting with the Self", "journey towards the divine Self", "return to the Self", "freeing one's path and offering it to the world", "money as spiritual energy", "opening up to the benevolent universe.

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Séance individuelle avec Marianne!

At this moment


- Français - 26 Janvier, 2025

- English translated into Portuguese - January 19, 2025

Marianne Hubert has been channelling a spiritual entity, the Guide, since 2002. The Le Troisième Pôle self-awareness method is inspired by his teachings, which encourage us to awaken to our fundamental nature, beyond all duality. During these meetings, we begin with a round-table discussion in which each participant shares his or her current state of being, and Marianne already provides some precious keys. We then hear the overall message of the guide, followed by the opportunity to ask questions. 

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Stage transpersonnel 

with Marianne Hubert  

Du 6 au 9 février 2025

To give your journey a boost, this 5-day course is a total immersion in all the dimensions of who you are. By diving into your subconscious in an altered state of consciousness, you'll come across elements you never knew existed. You find a common thread that leads you to discover a much broader identity. This is a unique opportunity to work face-to-face with Marianne Hubert in a small group.   

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Groupes de travail sur soi jeunes adultes

with Marianne Hubert
every other Thursday from 7.30pm to 10.30pm 

During these meetings, each person has the opportunity to express his or her vulnerability around the different emotional climates felt in order to discover the common thread contained in the life experience and the emotions it arouses. The group allows one to safely experience one's true expression, and the relaxation and love that comes from revealing oneself to another. The aim is to work on the different emotions that each person experiences in their daily lives, but also those that participants reveal to each other, and thus learn to embody a spiritual perspective in their material lives.

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Groupes de travail sur soi anglophone
with Marianne Hubert


Learn a new language: how to deal with negativity -- yours and others' -- combining an attitude of radical self-love with total honesty and transparence. No looking for who's right and who's wrong when a conflict arises, but rather find how whenever we experience a conflict with someone else, this is actually a conflict in our own soul. A precious tool to go straight for the unification of the parts of us that still need some care and enjoy living life from our Higher Self. 

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